Drugged Driving Collisions Cause More Deaths Than Drunk Driving Crashes

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Philadelphia Motorists Suffer Fatal Injuries in Drugged Driving Car Accidents

Did you know that drugged driving is becoming a serious problem—and a cause of many fatal auto accidents and injuries—in Philadelphia and throughout the country? According to a recent report in CBS News, “there’s been a significant jump in the percentage of drivers killed while on drugs.”

What types of drugs are responsible for drugged driving crashes and resulting injuries after a car accident? If you’ve been involved in a collision with an impaired driver, discuss your case with a car accident attorney,

According to Russ Martin, a spokesperson for the Governor’s Highway Safety Association (GHSA), “right now, we don’t have a nationally agreed upon way to test drivers for drug impairment similar to a breathalyzer or blood test for alcohol. Drunk driving arrests generally have declined in Pennsylvania, but in 2017 arrests for drugged driving rose substantially.

The Facts About Drugged Driving

How dangerous is drugged driving? Is it really resulting in more deaths in Philadelphia and more auto accident injuries throughout the country than crashes caused by alcohol-impaired drivers? The following facts and figures come from the National Institute on Drug Abuse:

  • Different drugs produce various degrees of impairment and various types of impairment;
  • Marijuana can significantly slow a driver’s reaction time and can decrease the driver’s coordination;
  • Drivers who have recently used drugs like cocaine often behave aggressively or recklessly behind the wheel;
  • Prescription medications like benzodiazepines—which may be taken lawfully by the driver—can result in significant drowsiness and dizziness behind the wheel;
  • As of 2016, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reported that nearly 12 million people had driven under the influence of drugs that year, while more than 20 million drove under the influence of alcohol;
  • About 47% of drivers involved in drugged driving accidents used prescription drugs;
  • Around 37% of drivers involved in drug-related crashes used marijuana;
  • Approximately 10% of drivers involved in drugged driving collisions used cocaine; and
  • Drivers who test positive for THC, the drug in marijuana, are “roughly twice as likely to be responsible for a deadly crash or be killed than drivers who hadn’t used drugs or alcohol.”

Do you need help filing a drugged driving claim after experiencing an injury after a car accident? An experienced car accident attorney can assist you.

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