Construction Companies Can Make Workplaces Safer

Three men in construction hard hats stand at a construction job site. One in the middle in a yellow safety helmet point up at the second level on the site.

Construction Companies can Take Straightforward Steps to Reduce the Rate of Workplace Injuries

If you or someone you love works in the construction industry, you probably know just how dangerous many of these jobs can be. According to a recent article in Construction Dive, more than 20% of fatal workplace injuries occur on construction job sites. 

Yet many construction accidents and injuries could have been avoided if the construction company took the necessary precautions to protect their workers and increase the safety of their environment. As the article underscores, construction company owners and superintendents have the power to prevent construction accident fatalities.  Safety experts emphasize that “most, if not all, construction accidents can be prevented.” Deadly construction accidents can and should be prevented with proper safety methods.

Safety Tips for Preventing the Most Common Construction Accident Injuries

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cites the “fatal four” as the most common construction accident injuries, which include falls, being struck-by an object, electrocutions, and being caught-in-between an object.

If you are a worker on a construction site, here is a list of duties construction companies have to protect their workers. 

  • Areas should have adequate fall protection to protect workers from high impact falls. This may include guardrails, safety net systems, personal safety lines for workers, and clear markings or barricades around elevator shafts, skylights, and excavations. 
  • Lanyards and safety lines should be the right lengths to prevent workers from making contact with the ground in the case of a fall. 
  • All workers should be required to wear hard hats in areas where there is the danger of falling objects. Construction companies should also install toeboards, screens and canopies where necessary to protect workers from falling objects; 
  • Employers should inspect scaffolding at the start of work each day to make sure it is safe and not overloaded, checking for points of wear, and taking adequate protections to make sure the structure is safe.

If you were injured in a construction accident, a construction accident lawyer may be able to help. Contact an injury lawyer to determine your rights. 

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